Jan. 02. 2018.

Usability Heuristic of the Month: Visibility of System Status

Memba' back in the '90s when Jakob Nielsen first introduced the 10 key heuristics to good website usability?  Though they were first developed in a time when laptops could have doubled as booster seats, they are still applicable when it comes to assisting in assessing whether a website/application/product is on track to meet user needs. 

This month, I'ma start with my favorite, and the one that drives me the most crazy when it's not there: Visibility of System Status. 

Alright, let's start with what that even means! I think that when Nielsen first came up with these, this heuristic was mostly referring to the actual computer or device a user was using. Like one of those 20-pound Macintosh Powerbooks. How do you know when the device is on? How do you know that something is happening or about to happen after you press a button? The idea here is that a device, system, or website should make it clear to the user just what in the hell is happening. As Nielsen stated, "the system should always keep users informed about what is going on, through appropriate feedback within reasonable time." 

Per usual, it's not always easy to notice when this is happening, but it's definitely noticeable when it isn't happening. Just the other day, I got a new Apple Watch, and went to charge it for the first time. Upon attaching it to its magnetic charger, I got a quick notification telling me what % it was charged at, but then I accidentally knocked it and it detached. After immediately reattaching, there was no indication as to whether or not it was charging.  I was all, "Hmm? Is it working? I don't see anything that tells me whether this thing is charging or not." This, my friends, is an example of a violation of this heuristic. Other, better but more vague examples include:

  • Showing a progress bar to indicate how far along in an upload process a user is
  • After filling out a form, making it clear that the form has been successfully submitted
  • If an application needs time to process a request after a user takes an action, providing some sort of progress bar, or other form of communication to let the user know something is happening
  • When Shazam is listening to the song you are hoping to identify
  • When your food delivery is going from being cooked to being picked up to being delivered

Don't leave your users guessing folks! What are some examples that you guyz'n'galz have come across that was either a thoughtful use of this heuristic or a lack thereof?